父母 & 家庭 职业生涯轨迹

Download the complete Career Outcomes & 为2019届毕业生做报告



College is a time of exploration, planning, and growth, and it can be tricky to know how best to support your child during this increasingly independent time. 下面,全球网络赌博平台 reprinted a copy of "父母职业规划课程" by Sally Kearsley of the National Association of 大学 and 雇主. 这是 a wonderful resource, and we are always here for you, too!

父母职业规划课程 莎莉·基尔斯利著

So your child just left for (or returned to) college, but they don’t seem to have a clue as to what they want to major in, let alone choose as a career. 别担心! 这是 not unusual, although you might wish your student had a little more sense 的方向!

Choosing a career is a process students (and adults!)需要通过-和学生 go through the stages of this process at different rates of speed. 步骤经常 包括:

  • Assessing skills, interests, and abilities (this is an important first step to choosing 合适的职业);
  • 探索专业和职业选择;
  • Experimenting with possible career options; and
  • Organizing and conducting a job or graduate 学校搜索.

You can assist and support your students in each of these stages. 但什么能——或者 你应该做吗??

Here’s your own career planning timetable!

Careers 101: For 父母 of First-Year Students

During their first year or so of college, students will be involved (formally or informally) in assessing their skills, interests, and abilities. 他们会通过寻找来做到这一点 success (or failure) in courses they take, involvement in campus activities, discussions with their friends and faculty, and generally being exposed to and trying out different 想法和经验.

Most students enter college with a very limited knowledge of the vast array of courses 以及可供他们选择的专业. When they begin to delve into studies that are new to them, even those who entered with a plan may be drawn to different options. 这是 这对学生来说是激动人心的时刻!


  • Support your child’s exploration of new areas of study and interests. 后,这 一切,就是教育的全部!
  • Affirm what you know to be areas of skill and ability he or she has consistently demonstrated. Sometimes students overlook these and need to be reminded.
  • Talk with your son or daughter about the courses and activities he or she is enjoying 以及你的学生表现如何. Students discover new things about themselves 在整个大学生活中. Your willingness to listen and be a sounding board 会让你知道吗.
  • Don’t panic if your student is excited about majoring in something like English, history, 或艺术. 这些 can be excellent 选择, particularly if they are a good match for 学生的兴趣和技能.
  • Support your son or daughter’s responsible involvement in campus activities but urge this to be balanced with maintaining achievement in the classroom.
  • Urge your child to seek assistance in the career center at his/her college or university. Most institutions have assessment instruments and counselors to help students to define their skills, interests, and abilities.

Careers 201: For 父母 of Second-Year Students

Generally, during the second year of college, a student begins to explore majors and 更认真地选择职业. Many colleges and universities require that new students take a broad range of subjects to promote this exploration.


  • Don’t insist upon a decision about a major or possible career 选择 immediately. If you sense that your student’s indecision is a barrier to positive progress, urge that he or she look for assistance in the career center. 学生经常有困难 making a “final” 选择 because they fear they may close off options and make a wrong 选择.
  • Suggest that your son or daughter talk with faculty and career advisers about potential 选择.
  • Don’t assume that if your child chooses to major in English, history, philosophy, or some other “impractical” major that he or she will never get a job. 文科 studies sharpen skills which are critical to the “package” employers are seeking: strong written and oral communication skills; problem-solving skills; the ability to synthesize information; and excellent research skills.
  • Suggest learning a foreign language and developing computer skills. 两者都有 skills can be helpful in today’s market, no matter what career field he or she chooses!
  • Direct your child to family, friends, or colleagues who are in fields in which your 学生有兴趣. “Informational interviewing” with people can be extremely 在这个阶段很有用!
  • Steer your child toward a source of information. Many campuses have a career consultant or mentoring network of alumni in various career fields who are willing to share information 和学生谈论他们的职业生涯. 这些 resources are invaluable both in this exploratory stage and later as students are seeking internships and jobs!

Careers 301: For 父母 of "Mid-Career" Students

During the sophomore year and throughout the junior year, it is important for students to experiment with possible career options. They can do this in a variety of ways: internships, cooperative education programs, summer jobs, campus jobs, and responsible volunteer 经验s both on campus and in the local community. 这是至关重要的 time for your support and understanding.


  • Encourage your child to use the resources available at the campus career center. 专家 there will assist your student in preparing a good resume and finding opportunities to test their career 选择, including internships, cooperative education programs, 还有暑期工作列表. Most career centers are in direct contact with employers.
  • Tell your student that you understand the importance of their gaining exposure to and 经验 in his or her field of career interest. 通过 involvement outside the classroom is a valuable use of time.
  • Internships or summer 经验s in some very competitive fields may be non-paying. Also, a good opportunity may be in a distant location. 讨论你的财务期望 with your student before a commitment is made.
  • Don’t conduct the internship or summer job search for your child. 这帮了大忙 to provide networking contacts or names of people who may be helpful, however, making the contact and speaking for your child deprives him or her of an important learning 经验—and may make a poor impression on the future employer.

Careers 401: For 父母 of Graduating Seniors

The senior year is when organizing and conducting a job search or graduate school 搜寻正式开始. It is also a time when students are heavily involved in more advanced courses in 他们的专业 and often have more responsible roles in campus 和/或志愿者活动. Balancing these important pursuits and setting priorities 对老年人来说是一个持续的挑战吗! You are probably anxious for this young adult to make a decision—and yet, he or she may be moving toward closure more slowly than 你会希望.


  • Suggest that he or she use the campus career center throughout the senior year. 这些 offices provide assistance in preparation for the job search offering.
    • Workshops and individual help with resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, 以及其他求职技巧.
    • 个人和团体职业咨询.
    • A library of books and bookmarks to web sites with links to job resources.
    • In many cases, on-campus interviewing opportunities.
    • 校友 career consultant or mentor programs may also be a part of their services.
  • Don’t nag your child about not having a job yet! 这通常会有相反的结果 效果. 使用正强化.
  • Offer to assist by sending information you may have found about the career field of your student’s 选择 and/or job listings that may be of interest. 倾听暗示 from the student that you are getting carried away—and back off!
  • Don’t call potential employers to intervene for your child. 与电位接触 employers is the candidate’s responsibility!
  • Be prepared to support your child through the ups and downs of the job and graduate 学校搜索. 这可能是一条崎岖不平的道路! Not every desired job or graduate school acceptance 会成功的. Your student will need reassurance that for every door that closes, 另一个打开.


The college years are a time of exploration, experimentation, and learning on many levels for students and their parents! Some student challenges may seem more positive than others, but all contribute to the educational outcomes of the college or university 经验.

Throughout these years, students are developing a “record of achievement” which will be evaluated by employers 还有研究生院 as they move beyond college. 在那里 下面是这张唱片的几个片段:

  • 学术成就. Although it is not (and should not be) the primary factor in determining a candidate’s success, the grade point average (GPA) is one factor considered by competitive employers 还有研究生院. It is one of the few tangible indications of a student’s ability to learn and perform 效果ively, at least in the academic environment. 因此, students need to do as well as possible in the classroom, especially in courses in 他们的专业.
  • 工作经历. In today’s competitive employment market, many employers seek students who have related internship, summer, cooperative education, or part-time job or volunteer 经验s. In fact, employers often look to their own such programs as primary sources for their 新员工. 这些 经验s are particularly critical for liberal arts students whose majors may not appear to be directly related to their areas of career interest.
  • Responsible Involvement Outside the Classroom. Extracurricular activities provide the opportunity for students to gain many valuable and career related skills such as the ability to work 效果ively with others in a team environment; leadership; planning and organizational skills; and priority-setting 时间管理. 这些 are part of the package of skills employers seek in their 新员工.

Best of luck to you in navigating the challenging waters of parenting a college or 大学的学生!









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