


Nurse practitioners are available by appointment for evaluation and treatment of common medical illnesses, preventative health screenings and physical exams for health promotion, women’s health services, injury evaluation, immunizations, and chronic disease. For medical services beyond the scope of practice of the Student Health Center, students will be referred to local specialists with guidance and coordination of care by a 学生健康中心提供者.


一些通常在医院评估和治疗的医疗状况 JU SHC 包括(但不限于):

  • Allergy symptoms
  • Asthma
  • Back pain
  • Bronchitis
  • 情绪健康问题,包括抑郁和焦虑
  • Gastroenteritis
  • 一般皮肤科包括痤疮,有关痣和皮疹
  • Headache
  • Minor lacerations
  • Mononucleosis
  • 红眼病(结膜炎)
  • Pneumonia
  • Rashes
  • 性传播感染
  • Sore throat
  • Sprains and strains
  • 上呼吸道感染,包括耳朵、鼻窦和喉咙
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Vaginal infections
  • Viral Infections
  • Wound care

We encourage you to make an appointment with one of our nurse practitioners even if you just 想谈谈健康问题吗 or ask some questions.


Having a regular gynecological examination is an important part of responsible and 预防性保健. 疾病控制中心 (CDC) recommends annual chlamydial screening for sexually active women under the age of 25. 美国疾病控制与预防中心还建议11岁至26岁的女性 years 注射预防人乳头瘤病毒引致子宫颈癌的疫苗. The JU SHC offers annual gynecological exams and educational information regarding women's health concerns including:

  • 乳房检查/乳房肿块评估
  • 子宫颈抹片检查及常规盆腔检查
  • 妊娠检测、咨询和转诊
  • 性传播疾病和阴道炎的筛查、诊断和治疗
  • 急性妇科健康问题的评价与治疗
  • Management of chronic pelvic pain and other complex women's health issues
  • 避孕咨询、处方和管理
  • 宫内节育器咨询,插入和取出
  • 咨询、插入和移除

Allergy Injections

The Student Health Center is able to continue allergy injections after you have received 你在过敏专科医生办公室的第一次注射. 你的过敏专科医生必须提交所有的处方 on the JU SHC过敏原免疫治疗订购单(位于 Patient Portal). Upon receipt of your allergy serum(s) and allergen immunotherapy order form, please schedule an appointment with a 学生健康中心提供者 to review your medical 接受持续注射前的病史. 你得另外安排一个 和护士约好打针. 没有预约 for allergy injections. 学生负责把血清送到医院 Student Health Center. 血清不能邮寄到学生健康中心.

On the day of injection, if you are prescribed an EpiPen, you are required to bring it with you to the appointment in order to receive your scheduled allergy injection. It is important for you to tell the nurse if you are not feeling well on the day of 预定的注射,如果你对之前的注射有反应, 或者如果你正在服用新的药物.   

You are required to remain at the SHC for 30 mins after receiving the injection for monitoring. This is a safety precaution to observe for any reactions and provide care if needed. The nurse will check your injection site prior to leaving and document the results.   


The 杰克逊维尔大学 Student Health Center offers “Get to Know You” appointments for students with a chronic health issues (example: Type 1 or 2 DM, Asthma, Hypertension, 甲状腺疾病、克罗恩病、脊柱裂等.). 这些约会为你提供 and the provider the opportunity to build a strong patient-provider relationship, document a good health history, update medical information, and gather specialist 需要时使用的紧急联系信息. 全面评估你的 health and current information is essential to providing care and assisting in coordination 当你生病的时候要小心. 全球网络赌博平台鼓励所有有慢性健康问题的学生 schedule an annual visit early in the semester or when you have a significant change 在你的健康或慢性疾病. 全球网络赌博平台鼓励你继续看你的 healthcare specialists on a regular basis as the Student Health Center is closed on 周末和校园休息时间.

Treatment of Minors

18岁以下的学生必须持有 治疗同意书 and a HIPAA form signed by a parent or legal guardian prior to evaluation in the Student Health Center. Log into the Patient Portal 下载可列印表格. 一旦表格填好,就可以进行扫描 并通过患者门户上传.


The State of Florida requires that all students attending school within the state 遵守卫生和免疫法律,保护公众健康. An immunization form is required of students who have been accepted to and will enroll at Jacksonville University. 它必须由医疗保健提供者完成、提交并签名 and the enrolling student or the student’s parent or guardian (if under 18 years of age) prior to registration. 获得JU免疫 表格,请注册 MedProctor 并下载所需的文件. Once completed, upload the immunization form and any supporting documents to MedProctor如果您需要一份您的免疫记录副本后 graduation contact Medproctor.


TB testing services are available at the Student Health Center Monday-Friday, except on Thursday. 结核菌皮肤试验需要由受过培训的护士进行两次检查 read TB skin testing. 第一次访问的测试是 administered; on the second visit the test is read. 如果你的测试是阳性的,你将被安排 for evaluation by a Student Health Center Provider to determine if further work-up is needed. 

Laboratory Testing

The Student Health Center laboratory offers a variety of laboratory tests. Costs vary per test. Our on-site rapid testing includes, but is not limited to: strep, infectious 单核细胞增多症、流感、COVID-19、尿检和妊娠. In addition, we send 去参考实验室做一些测试 for processing.


If your condition requires referral to a specialist, the Student Health Center will 帮你做这些安排. 转介服务提供给大多数 healthcare specialists. 学生有责任联系他们的保险公司 查看该医疗专家或医疗机构是否被列为 a 参加者和他们的健康保险公司.

Fees charged by a specialist are independent of the Student Health Center. If you have specific questions related to the cost of the visit, check with the provider美国办事处和/或您的健康保险公司.  


The Student Health Center uses an electronic medical record system that offers a variety 改善病人和医生之间的体验. The Patient Portal improves patient access to SHC services, facilitates communication between 病人和他们的提供者, 并简化了学生健康中心的患者体验. The Patient Portal can be used to:

  • 查看即将到来的预约
  • 请在预约前填写所需表格
  • 安全地与医疗保健提供者沟通
  • 查看和打印您的SHC账单历史/报表
  • 访问指定的患者教育信息

The Patient Portal is a secure way to communicate with your provider about non-urgent medical issues.  Data that you provide cannot be viewed by anyone else and is securely maintained by 工业标准加密.


An itemized patient statement for charges for services and supplies are available 在学生健康中心办理退房手续时或在网上办理退房手续 Patient Portal. The actual charges for the services or supplies will vary based on the medical evaluation 以及其他与服务性能相关的因素. For any questions related to charges or statements, please contact the Student Health Center at 904-256-8080.

Release of Records

All JU Student Health Center records are retained for 7 years after graduation. If you would like a copy of any portion of your Health Record, please complete the PHI释放授权书 located within the Patient Portal. If you are less than 18 years of age, the document will need to be downloaded, completed 家长或监护人,然后上传到患者门户网站.

Class Excuse Policy

The SHC does not provide medical excuses for missed classes, exams, or assignments.  If the student is seen by an SHC provider a secure message can be sent to your patient portal confirming the appointment but approval of the absence or missed assignment is up to the professor. 

If a student is hospitalized, experiences a prolonged illness or is recovering from a serious injury, the student needs to contact the Division of Student Affairs or 残疾支援服务.